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1.3 (Final)
תשואה נהדרת!
@PatrickStar Di you add anything before my mod? I didn't change any first person related characters entries
@HeySlickThatsMe Issue on my end, managed to restore. Thanks for the fast reply!
Seeing the video i assume you did a based job! a FR in SP with fun stuff to do! Zombie and Aliens are my favorite mod! Excellent job!
@HeySlickThatsMe Sexy Gun, keeping coming mr Slick!
@HeySlickThatsMe The flashlight somehow i can't equip, but the entry is on weapons.meta and the addon-weapon box, does the bone of the flashlight for MG is still there?
Another beta leftover coming into life, doing configs once again!!
@JohnFromGWN ymaps are maps stuff, Zombie and mine here it's a ASI that mess into characters props that goes in their heads
@PatrickStar Did you follow all the instructions? Please install all ASI and if persists use Manual version
@PatrickStar No, mine is a standalone pack which conflicts with